Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spaghetti Dinner

I am so glad I was able to support Hilary at her Spaghetti Dinner Extravaganza I had a great time I hope is was a huge success.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Go Red Casting Call Event Sacramento

Another great Go Red Event this one was in Sacramento downtown in front of Macys. I am still in amazement of all the wonderful women who shared there stories. I had a great time and learned so much.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Go Red Healthy Heart workshop Los Angeles

During the workshop Miss California International Hilary Gushwa shared her heart survivor story. She was amazing I know she inspired so many that day.

Go Red casting call event Los Angeles

I was so inspired by the women I interviewed at this event. Cheryl Ellis was one of them, one year ago she had a quadruple bypass we are so lucky that she is sharing her story and her passion for life.